上海月饼~Shang Hai mooncake (食谱是BW姐妹的分享)
pastry dough:面团:
300g Top Flour/cake flour,低筋面粉
60g Milk powder,奶粉
30g icing sugar,糖份
1/4 tsp salt ( omit this if you using salted butter) ,盐(如果用有盐牛油就不需要加)
227g SCS butter,牛油
30g egg yolk,蛋黄
Filling : 馅料:
630g lotuspaste,莲蓉馅
7 pcs salted egg yolk,7粒熟咸蛋黄
Method: 做法:
45g sugarfree lotus paste + half egg yolk pastry 。把馅料分成45g一份 + 半粒熟的咸蛋黄搓圆。
dough : 50g each
* this portion I can made 13-14 shanghai mooncake .
1)把牛油和糖分放到容器内,以木搅/打蛋器搅均至滑/ 颜色变浅,加入蛋黄液继续搅均,最后加入已过筛的低粉和奶粉,搅均 成面团。
1.)Beat butter & icing sugar till creamy, add in egg yolk mix well. Last add in all dry indredients and combine to a dough.
2.) Divide lotus paste to 40g eadh.
3)先逐一把咸蛋黄包入已分割的莲蓉中,搓圆后再用面皮包上,搓 圆(微椭圆)即可。底部可用蛋糕纸垫着。
3.) Wrap salted egg yolk with lotus paste. Wrap fillings with pasrty. Roll into balls. Arrange in a baking tray.
4.) Brush th top woth beaten egg yolk and place some black sesame seeds.
5.)放入预热烤箱,以180-190度烤20-25分钟至金黄 色即可。(温度是供参考)
5.) Bake in preheated oven at 180-190C for 20-25 minutes until goloden brown.
pastry dough:面团:
300g Top Flour/cake flour,低筋面粉
60g Milk powder,奶粉
30g icing sugar,糖份
1/4 tsp salt ( omit this if you using salted butter) ,盐(如果用有盐牛油就不需要加)
227g SCS butter,牛油
30g egg yolk,蛋黄
Filling : 馅料:
630g lotuspaste,莲蓉馅
7 pcs salted egg yolk,7粒熟咸蛋黄
Method: 做法:
45g sugarfree lotus paste + half egg yolk pastry 。把馅料分成45g一份 + 半粒熟的咸蛋黄搓圆。
dough : 50g each
* this portion I can made 13-14 shanghai mooncake .
1.)Beat butter & icing sugar till creamy, add in egg yolk mix well. Last add in all dry indredients and combine to a dough.
2.) Divide lotus paste to 40g eadh.
3.) Wrap salted egg yolk with lotus paste. Wrap fillings with pasrty. Roll into balls. Arrange in a baking tray.
4.) Brush th top woth beaten egg yolk and place some black sesame seeds.
5.) Bake in preheated oven at 180-190C for 20-25 minutes until goloden brown.